wouldn’t exactly say to anyone in your family you are in need of anything, and
if someone were to take a look at your house they’d agree. The pantry is stuffed full of boxed and
canned goods, and the fridge and freezer have enough food for a few small
parties. Your closets are packed with
clothes and shoes, so much so you’re considering getting rid of some things to
make room. There are chests and
containers full of toys in the playroom and family room, and the toolshed is
full of lawn care equipment.
ready for anything since you have so much stuff, but if you’re being honest
with yourself, you do feel a bit cramped.
You don’t want to get rid of anything; you know everything in your house
has a use. You’re happy with everything
you have, you just want a better way to store it all. You may think you need a new house to store
all of your things, but you probably have a lot of room at home. The truth is most people aren’t as good at
organizing and storing things as they think they are. If you’re running out of space at home and
want to get organized, follow these tips.
Look to
the walls
You may
not have room for another storage container or single item, but your walls most
likely do. When space starts to run out
on the floor, you need to start looking into wall shelving. Wall shelves don’t take up nearly as much
room as their floor-stationed counter parts, and you can get very creative with
them. Try adding a few simple wall
shelves to your kitchen or bedroom, and you’ll see the difference they can make
about containers
If you
have a lot of items stored in your freezer, it’s safe to assume you’ve probably
accumulated a lot of storage containers over the years. Your Tupperware most likely isn’t all from
one set anymore, and that can cause issues with storage. Tupperware and other containers are designed
to fit together, and when they don’t you can run into a tricky storage
situation. Consider getting rid of
storage containers that don’t fit in with others for the sake of organization
uniformity. It’ll make storage much
more onsite storage
If you’re being
honest, you’d love nothing more than to rent a storage locker to store your
extra items. They’re usually overpriced,
and you’d have to travel every time you’d want to get something. If you need more storage space, steel garages are just what you need.
They’re simple to set up on your property, they won’t take up much
space, and they’ll give you plenty of space to store your extra things.